Do bad sales months often take you by surprise? If so, don’t
forget the power of flash reports — that is, snapshots of critical data for
quick, timely viewing every day or week.
One specific way to use them is to track bookings vs. shippings.
Doing so can help you determine what percentage of volume for certain months
should be booked by specific dates. These reports are particularly useful if
more than 30 days elapse between these activities.
Get super specific
Here’s how your flash report might work: Every workday, record
the new orders taken (bookings) and the orders filled (shippings).
Sort the flash report by order date and subtotal the sales
amounts at various points in time before the last day of the month.
Look at how many of the month’s shipped orders are booked 60,
45, 30 and 15 days before the end of the month. If you don’t have this
historical data, start recording it for at least three months to establish
meaningful trends.
Once you know the timeframes of your bookings and shippings,
expand this activity to your sales staff by displaying the totals of bookings
and shippings by salesperson on the flash report. Use the percentage of
business that ideally should be booked at certain time intervals to establish
individual sales goals and compare your progress with these goals.
See the future
Don’t wait until month’s end to discover that your sales weren’t
up to your desired results. With flash reports, you can tell in advance that
sales performance is lagging and have enough time to take corrective action.
What’s more, today’s business dashboard software can enable you to generate
this data more quickly than ever. For further information about flash reports,
and help developing your own that are specific to your company’s needs, please
contact us.
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