Commercial buildings and improvements generally are depreciated
over 39 years, which essentially means you can deduct a portion of the cost
every year over the depreciation period. (Land isn’t depreciable.) But enhanced
tax breaks that allow deductions to be taken more quickly are available for
certain real estate investments:
1. 50% bonus depreciation. This
additional first-year depreciation allowance is available for qualified
improvement property. The break expired December 31, 2014, but has been
extended through 2019. However, it will drop to 40% for 2018 and 30% for 2019.
On the plus side, beginning in 2016, the qualified improvement property doesn’t
have to be leased.
2. Section 179 expensing. This
election to deduct under Sec. 179 (rather than depreciate over a number of
years) qualified leasehold-improvement, restaurant and retail-improvement
property expired December 31, 2014, but has been made permanent.
Beginning in 2016, the full Sec. 179 expensing limit of $500,000
can be applied to these investments. (Before 2016, only $250,000 of the
expensing election limit, which also is available for tangible personal
property and certain other assets, could be applied to leasehold-improvement,
restaurant and retail-improvement property.)
The expensing limit is subject to a dollar-for-dollar phaseout
if your qualified asset purchases for 2016 exceed $2,010,000. In other words,
if, say, your qualified asset purchases for the year are $2,110,000, your
expensing limit would be reduced by $100,000 (to $400,000).
Both the expensing limit and the purchase limit are now adjusted
annually for inflation.
3. Accelerated depreciation. This
break allows a shortened recovery period of 15 years for qualified
leasehold-improvement, restaurant and retail-improvement property. It expired
December 31, 2014, but has been made permanent.
Although these enhanced depreciation-related breaks may offer
substantial savings on your 2016 tax bill, it’s possible they won’t prove
beneficial over the long term. Taking these deductions now means forgoing
deductions that could otherwise be taken later, over a period of years under
normal depreciation schedules. In some situations — such as if in the future
your business could be in a higher tax bracket or tax rates go up — the normal
depreciation deductions could be more valuable.
For more information on these breaks or advice on whether you
should take advantage of them, please contact us.
© 2016
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