What could stop your company from operating for a day, a month
or a year? A flood or fire? Perhaps a key supplier shuts down temporarily or
permanently. Or maybe a hacker or technical problem crashes your website or you
suddenly lose power. Whatever the potential cause might be, every business
needs a disaster recovery plan.
Distinctive threats
Get started by brainstorming as many scenarios as possible that
could devastate your business. The operative word there is “your.” Every
company faces distinctive threats related to its size, location(s), and
products or services.
There are some constants to consider, however. Seek out
alternative suppliers who could fill in for your current ones if necessary.
Moreover, identify a strong IT consulting firm with disaster recovery
capabilities and have them a phone call away.
The right voice
Another critical factor during and after a crisis is
communication, both internal and external. You and most of your management team
will need to concentrate on restoring operations, so appoint one manager or
other employee with the necessary skills to keep stakeholders abreast of your
recovery progress. These parties include:
- Staff members and their families,
- Customers,
- Suppliers,
- Banks and other financial stakeholders, and
- Local authorities and community leaders (as
He or she should be prepared to spread the word through channels
such as your company’s voice mail, email, website, and even traditional and
social media.
Fresh eyes
Whatever you do, don’t expect to create a disaster recovery plan
and then toss it on a shelf. Revisit the plan at least annually, looking for
You’ll also want to keep your plan fresh in the minds of your
employees. Be sure that everyone — including new hires — knows exactly what to
do by holding regular meetings on the subject or even conducting an occasional
surprise drill. And be prepared to coordinate with fire, police and government
officials who might be able to offer assistance during a catastrophe.
Thoughts and concepts
These are just a few thoughts and concepts to consider when
designing, implementing and updating your company’s disaster recovery plan. Our
firm can help you identify both risks and cost-effective ways to safeguard your
employees and assets.
© 2017
Nicely written article. company disaster recovery plan is always helpful. Thanks for sharing