Many people scoff at New Year’s resolutions. It’s no mystery why
— these self-directed promises to visit the gym regularly or read a book a
month tend to quickly fade once the unavoidable busyness of life sets in.
But, for business owners, the phrase “New Year’s resolutions” is
just a different way of saying “strategic plans.” And these are nothing to
scoff at. In fact, now is the perfect time to take a critical look at your
company and make some earnest promises about improving profitability in 2018.
Ask tough questions
Begin by asking some tough questions. For example: How satisfied
are you with the status quo of your business? Are you happy with your
profitability or had you anticipated a much stronger bottom line at this point
in your company’s existence? If you were to sell tomorrow, would you get a fair
return based on what you’ve invested in effort and money?
If your answers to these questions leave you more dissatisfied
than pleased, your New Year’s resolutions may have to be bold. This doesn’t
mean you should do something rash. But there’s no harm in envisioning next year
as the greatest 12 months in the history of your business and then trying to
figure out how you might get there.
Rate your profitability
To assess your company’s financial status, begin by honestly
gauging your current performance. Rate your profitability on a scale of 1 to
10, where adequate working capital, long-term employees and customers,
consistent growth in revenues and profit, and smooth operations equal a 10.
Many business owners will apply numbers somewhere between a 5
and a 7 to these categories. If you rate your business a 6, for example, this
means your company isn’t tapping into 40% of its profit-generating capacity.
Consider the level of improvement you would realize by moving up just one notch
— to a 7.
Identify areas for improvement
One way to discover your company’s unrealized profit enhancement
opportunities is to ask your customers and employees. They know firsthand what
you are good at, as well as what needs improvement.
For instance, years ago, when the American auto industry was
taking its biggest hits from foreign imports, one of the Big Three
manufacturers was experiencing significant customer complaints about poor paint
jobs. An upper-level executive visited the paint shop in one of its factories
and asked an employee about the source of the problem. The worker replied, “I
thought you’d never ask,” and proceeded to explain in detail what was wrong and
how to solve it.
Get ready for change
If you have a few New Year’s resolutions in mind but aren’t sure
how to implement these ideas or how financially feasible they might be, please
contact our firm. We can work with you to identify areas of your business ready
for change and help you attain a higher level of success next year.
© 2017
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