Lenovo unveiled the first Windows laptop with a foldable display during CES 2020. It’s called the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold and features a 13.3-inch screen that can bend in half when you shut the laptop closed. It runs Windows 10 and looks kind of similar to Microsoft’s Surface Neo computer that will launch before the holidays this year, but has a single display instead of two side-by-side.
It’ll cost $2,499 when it launches later this year.
When it’s unfolded, you can use the ThinkPad X1 Fold just like a regular tablet. But, when you need to use it like a laptop computer, you can fold the screen upward and attach a magnetic keyboard. Or, you can just type on a digital keyboard that appears when it’s in laptop mode. It also lets you run two apps side by side. So, you might have a presentation on one half of the screen and a video chat on the other half.
Lenovo said it’s using a plastic OLED (pOLED) screen from LG, which means it should be strong enough to fold without being damaged. Still, as we saw with the first iteration of the Samsung Galaxy Fold phone, sometimes sharp objects can easily damage the fragile folding screens. But, Lenovo is confident enough in the screen that it also supports an Active Pen stylus for drawing or taking notes on the display.
The ThinkPad X1 Fold will launch in mid-2020 starting at $2,499. It will also offer 5G support, though wireless connectivity typically costs extra. A special version of Microsoft Windows, called Windows 10X that’s designed for folding displays, will be released for it “at a later date,” Lenovo said.
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